I thought twice before posting this birthday letter/poem my dad wrote for me on this birthday, but i decided to share it because I love him so much, and am so proud to have him as a father and hero. i can't even express how humbling it is to have such a great man say these things about me and mean them. a son can't beat getting this letter for his birthday.....(good luck with the doctors handwriting)
(you can click on image to enlarge)
damn i am getting old

i am so proud of where/who i came from

i have def. been blessed with the most amazing, loving parents, and am thankful.

i know i would not be as happy without these two to make my days brighter.

jenn always hooks up a good birthday dinner.. this year Filet Mignon

I always do it up with my Libra Babies.
Last but not least... I can't remember a birthday celebration without my Brotha JOE MAY.
My birthday is three days before Joe's, making us the babies of our class. We have always combined our birthday throw downs and his absence this year breaks my heart terribly. Joe you will always remain to be with me/us on this day and i miss you and love you more than i could ever have thought.
Things are not quite as "Changy" without you, but we will be doing it up this year on your birthday. we will continue to celebrate our Libra Babies birthdays on that day... now and forever.
One Love King Changy....you will always be the King
Again, thanks to everyone for a happy birthday to me....
j.r. ward II
Your a beautiful son and a good friend. I said it once and I'll say it again, I wanna be just like you when I grow up!
jr, that poem is beautiful, i'm crying. you're so lucky to have such an amazing father. happy birthday!
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