Last Friday I was heading out and discovered a dog wondering around Jenn's parking lot. She was just sniffing around dragging her leash behind her with no owner in site. I called for her and she came running right up to me and greeted me with a jumping lick in the face. She had a Chip ID tag with a chip number on it, but no owner info. I called the number on the tag only to discover that her owner had not registered her yet. The guy from the chip service referred me to the Animal Action Rescue here in Atlanta. I called them and spoke with a very kind woman named Debra. She eventually tracked down the vet/shelter where the dog received the chip and after a number of hours they finally tracked down the owner. I ended up spending the day with the dog, and the owner came over later that night to get his lost pup. It turns out he was working in the area and while parked in his truck he turned is head for a moment and the pup decided to jump out of the window and make a run for it. Scout(my dog) and I enjoyed spending our day hanging out with the our new friend who I decided to call Pinecone. I really want a dog named Pinecone or maybe I will name my first kid Pinecone. I am glad I found the dog and could help her get back home. Here are a few images I snatched during the day on my phone.
Scout getting to know her new friend. Gotta love how dogs do their thing.
I would say they got along just fine.
I would like to think "Pinecone"(never got her real name) enjoyed herself. I am glad we finally got her to her owner later that night. I hope she is doing well now, but I would have kept her if I had to.
J.R. Ward II
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